Hi there! Welcome to another video. I'm inside my new office. I'll give you a tour some other time. But inside this video, I want to share with you ow you can get access to my Viral Video Magic Course that's worth $97. Keep on watching to find out how you can get access for free. Yesterday when I checked my email, I saw the email from
Josh Bartlett from Easy Video Player. This was kind of strange for me because I haven't received an email from Josh for about two years. So I thought I better check it out, and was I glad that I did. Inside this email, Josh had interesting video series that I subscribed for. It was very very interesting and it reminded me about something really, really important that I wanted to share
with you. It comes back to your product that you're selling and your product experience. When you look at some of the most successful companies out there. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Amazon. All these companies have some key things in common. But ones that really stand out for me are these two things: First, they have an amazing product; the kind of product that people just rave about. And secondly, they have
an amazing product experience for their customers. Those two things together: an amazing product and amazing product experience for the customer. Why are these two things important? First of all, when you have an amazing product and an amazing product experience for the customer, what happens once people have been able to use your product and experienced the process of using your product, they go and rave about it. They go
and tell all their friends about it. I think in our industry, the internet marketing industry especially, there's a problem that there's a massive emphasis on marketing. And quite often you'll see the marketing of something being much better than the actual product or the product experience. This is something that has really bothered me about the internet marketing industry. But yet when you look at some of the most successful companies
they get the product right and the product experience. Of course, they have the marketing right as well, but it's integrated with an amazing [roduct and amazing product experience. This video from Josh really reminded me of that and I really wanted to share that with you. Josh talks about something along similar lines but he's got a different twist on it. And I'd love for you to also watch the
video from Josh. I want to make a little bit more interesting. That's why I'm giving away my Viral Video Magic Course for free. You don't have to pay any money for it, but you do have to take some actions for it to get access. There are three things you're going to do to get access to my Viral Video Magic Course. The first step is to go and watch
Josh' video. You've got to optin for that. There's a link below this video that you can click on. It's an affiliate link of mine. Click on that link and go and watch Josh' video. You got to optin for it; please go and watch it. Inside the video, he reveals something very interesting that relates to step 2 nce you've watched the video. Inside the video, Josh talks about two
ways for creating products. I want you to share inside this email that you're going to send me which option he prefers for creating products. So Step 1, optin and go watch the video. Step 2, send me an email at gift@rapidvideoblogging.com with your answer. Is it option 1 or option 2 that Josh talks about? Straightforward enough? Stop 3 is to come back to this video that you're watching
right now and leave a comment below this video please. Let me just repeat that: Step 1 - Click on the link below this video, optin for Josh' video, go and watch it. Step 2 - Send me your answer. Which option of product creation does Josh prefer. Step 3 - Come back and leave a comment below this video of your impression of Josh' video or something that you've learned
from that. I hope that's simple enough. If it's not very clear, I'll leave the instructions below this video in the description area as well so that it's 100% clear to you what to do. Once you've done that, my team will send you access to my Viral Video Magic Course absolutely free. That's all you've got to do. I hope that;s simple enough. I hope this video was useful to
you. The deadline for this is January 15, 2013, Tuesday. Make sure you go through these three steps before the deadline; otherwise, you won't be able to get access to my Viral Video Magic Course, simple as that. Also, as a sort of parting word. Think about how does this affect you, what I've talked about? This product and product experience. Do you have too much emphasis on just the marketing? Are
you focusing on creating a really amazing product? Are you focusing on creating a really amazing product experience, as well? It's different to just the product; it's product experience. How do they interact with your business? How do they interact with your website? How your product is designed? What is the experience that they have? Think about that. I just want to leave you on those thoughts. Once again, the link
is below this video. Click on the link, go through the steps. I look forward to seeing you inside my next video. Thanks for watching. Talk to you soon.
Josh Bartlett from Easy Video Player. This was kind of strange for me because I haven't received an email from Josh for about two years. So I thought I better check it out, and was I glad that I did. Inside this email, Josh had interesting video series that I subscribed for. It was very very interesting and it reminded me about something really, really important that I wanted to share
with you. It comes back to your product that you're selling and your product experience. When you look at some of the most successful companies out there. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Amazon. All these companies have some key things in common. But ones that really stand out for me are these two things: First, they have an amazing product; the kind of product that people just rave about. And secondly, they have
an amazing product experience for their customers. Those two things together: an amazing product and amazing product experience for the customer. Why are these two things important? First of all, when you have an amazing product and an amazing product experience for the customer, what happens once people have been able to use your product and experienced the process of using your product, they go and rave about it. They go
and tell all their friends about it. I think in our industry, the internet marketing industry especially, there's a problem that there's a massive emphasis on marketing. And quite often you'll see the marketing of something being much better than the actual product or the product experience. This is something that has really bothered me about the internet marketing industry. But yet when you look at some of the most successful companies
they get the product right and the product experience. Of course, they have the marketing right as well, but it's integrated with an amazing [roduct and amazing product experience. This video from Josh really reminded me of that and I really wanted to share that with you. Josh talks about something along similar lines but he's got a different twist on it. And I'd love for you to also watch the
video from Josh. I want to make a little bit more interesting. That's why I'm giving away my Viral Video Magic Course for free. You don't have to pay any money for it, but you do have to take some actions for it to get access. There are three things you're going to do to get access to my Viral Video Magic Course. The first step is to go and watch
Josh' video. You've got to optin for that. There's a link below this video that you can click on. It's an affiliate link of mine. Click on that link and go and watch Josh' video. You got to optin for it; please go and watch it. Inside the video, he reveals something very interesting that relates to step 2 nce you've watched the video. Inside the video, Josh talks about two
ways for creating products. I want you to share inside this email that you're going to send me which option he prefers for creating products. So Step 1, optin and go watch the video. Step 2, send me an email at gift@rapidvideoblogging.com with your answer. Is it option 1 or option 2 that Josh talks about? Straightforward enough? Stop 3 is to come back to this video that you're watching
right now and leave a comment below this video please. Let me just repeat that: Step 1 - Click on the link below this video, optin for Josh' video, go and watch it. Step 2 - Send me your answer. Which option of product creation does Josh prefer. Step 3 - Come back and leave a comment below this video of your impression of Josh' video or something that you've learned
from that. I hope that's simple enough. If it's not very clear, I'll leave the instructions below this video in the description area as well so that it's 100% clear to you what to do. Once you've done that, my team will send you access to my Viral Video Magic Course absolutely free. That's all you've got to do. I hope that;s simple enough. I hope this video was useful to
you. The deadline for this is January 15, 2013, Tuesday. Make sure you go through these three steps before the deadline; otherwise, you won't be able to get access to my Viral Video Magic Course, simple as that. Also, as a sort of parting word. Think about how does this affect you, what I've talked about? This product and product experience. Do you have too much emphasis on just the marketing? Are
you focusing on creating a really amazing product? Are you focusing on creating a really amazing product experience, as well? It's different to just the product; it's product experience. How do they interact with your business? How do they interact with your website? How your product is designed? What is the experience that they have? Think about that. I just want to leave you on those thoughts. Once again, the link
is below this video. Click on the link, go through the steps. I look forward to seeing you inside my next video. Thanks for watching. Talk to you soon.
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld0VoJzKetA
Hi I'm Steve Washer with BrainyVideo.com Around here we talk a lot about reaching your ideal clients by being authentic in your videos, but what do we mean when we say that? you know when you have all this technology between you and your audience cameras and lights and computers and stuff and why should we even care about it? Well, the simple answer is because in business authenticity gives
us certain advantages. It makes us unduplicatable. It makes it way easier to use the concept of "know like trust" to gain clients. This is one of the main reasons why authenticity is a better model. It helps the right people bond to the real you, which helps them more easily become your better clients. But there's a big problem in pulling this off, because even though it's really attractive, the prospect of being authentic on
camera is frightening for a lot of people. For a lot of people being authentic, which means taking themselves into account as well as the people they're trying to please all day long is not so easy. This is why I spend most of my time working with people who have awakened to this fact and they're eager now to let their authenticity shine. They know it's better for them, it's better for their clients, it's
better for the world. But for a lot of people, maybe even you, there's still a few problems. Even if you desperately want to be authentic. Let's solve those problems for you right now; peeling away layers like an onion. The first layer uh... the problem of perfection versus authenticity take apple computer do you think for one minute that steve jobs had a focus group that told him to create an ipod create an iphone, create
an ipad probably not it was his drive for perfect design a drive that made him kind of a tough boss but there's no way anyone could say his passion wasn't authentic. and I chose Steve Jobs deliberately because there's a bonus lesson here See, his very quest for perfection proves that authenticity doesn't also mean being perfect. Jobs wasn't perfect, but we all know this right? I mean that's not the hard part that's
just the first layer of the onion everybody says be authentic, be yourself, don't worry about it, don't stress about it and that's what scares people the most they wonder if that's completely true it can bring up a lot of anxiety that if they were to suddenly become authentic their imperfections would drive away those clients that they most want to attract but remember we also believe at the same time that authenticity beats perfection we
already know that people respond to you because of who you are really and not who you're pretending to be so what's the problem? Well, the answer is now obvious. You're holding two opposing beliefs at the same time with no way of resolving them. authenticity beats perfection but perfection is necessary to attract your ideal clients when that happens you can't take action. to resolve this dilemma we have to dig a little
deeper into the contradiction and when we do we find there's a core truth that dissolves the dilemma. Well maybe it's just a theory, but it's certainly proven to be true for me my theory is that people somehow know that communication in video is a little different it's not exactly like you're talking to a friend and they're afraid of wasting time in effort they don't fully understand people sense somehow that there are
things that have to happen for the communication to be perceived as authentically as it is in person. in fact they're right. but there are only two of them and those two things are technical authenticity and personal authenticity. let's take the technical side first. for communication to be authentic in a technical way you need a clear channel. in this case the video channel itself. if your viewer can't see or hear you properly the
perception of authenticity is lost. A perception is formed alright, but it isn't the one you think it'll be. In this case your distorted image and painful audio either attract the wrong client or no client at all. in addition to the technical there's your own, you know, performance on camera the big red button makes a lot of people nervous. at the very least it can give you butterflies and and if
you can't get the butterflies flying in formation that authenticity that...that best you that you can be is lost and then maybe you have wasted your time. Well, there are simple ways to clear these channels you know. I have dozens of them right here on this site, and more ways than you can think of to expand your authentic technical and personal channels to make them very very powerful. would you like to be
able to do it? let's find out. there's a simple test you can take to see if you can do authentic video marketing. all you have to do is ask yourself one question who do you identify with? This guy Or this guy? you don't need perfection you know. just a little passion and a clear channel Get off me! So if you'd like to get some helpful how-to advice on clearing out your channel just click below for my free
video series on developing your powerful persona Till next time, I'm Steve Washer with BrainyVideo.com
us certain advantages. It makes us unduplicatable. It makes it way easier to use the concept of "know like trust" to gain clients. This is one of the main reasons why authenticity is a better model. It helps the right people bond to the real you, which helps them more easily become your better clients. But there's a big problem in pulling this off, because even though it's really attractive, the prospect of being authentic on
camera is frightening for a lot of people. For a lot of people being authentic, which means taking themselves into account as well as the people they're trying to please all day long is not so easy. This is why I spend most of my time working with people who have awakened to this fact and they're eager now to let their authenticity shine. They know it's better for them, it's better for their clients, it's
better for the world. But for a lot of people, maybe even you, there's still a few problems. Even if you desperately want to be authentic. Let's solve those problems for you right now; peeling away layers like an onion. The first layer uh... the problem of perfection versus authenticity take apple computer do you think for one minute that steve jobs had a focus group that told him to create an ipod create an iphone, create
an ipad probably not it was his drive for perfect design a drive that made him kind of a tough boss but there's no way anyone could say his passion wasn't authentic. and I chose Steve Jobs deliberately because there's a bonus lesson here See, his very quest for perfection proves that authenticity doesn't also mean being perfect. Jobs wasn't perfect, but we all know this right? I mean that's not the hard part that's
just the first layer of the onion everybody says be authentic, be yourself, don't worry about it, don't stress about it and that's what scares people the most they wonder if that's completely true it can bring up a lot of anxiety that if they were to suddenly become authentic their imperfections would drive away those clients that they most want to attract but remember we also believe at the same time that authenticity beats perfection we
already know that people respond to you because of who you are really and not who you're pretending to be so what's the problem? Well, the answer is now obvious. You're holding two opposing beliefs at the same time with no way of resolving them. authenticity beats perfection but perfection is necessary to attract your ideal clients when that happens you can't take action. to resolve this dilemma we have to dig a little
deeper into the contradiction and when we do we find there's a core truth that dissolves the dilemma. Well maybe it's just a theory, but it's certainly proven to be true for me my theory is that people somehow know that communication in video is a little different it's not exactly like you're talking to a friend and they're afraid of wasting time in effort they don't fully understand people sense somehow that there are
things that have to happen for the communication to be perceived as authentically as it is in person. in fact they're right. but there are only two of them and those two things are technical authenticity and personal authenticity. let's take the technical side first. for communication to be authentic in a technical way you need a clear channel. in this case the video channel itself. if your viewer can't see or hear you properly the
perception of authenticity is lost. A perception is formed alright, but it isn't the one you think it'll be. In this case your distorted image and painful audio either attract the wrong client or no client at all. in addition to the technical there's your own, you know, performance on camera the big red button makes a lot of people nervous. at the very least it can give you butterflies and and if
you can't get the butterflies flying in formation that authenticity that...that best you that you can be is lost and then maybe you have wasted your time. Well, there are simple ways to clear these channels you know. I have dozens of them right here on this site, and more ways than you can think of to expand your authentic technical and personal channels to make them very very powerful. would you like to be
able to do it? let's find out. there's a simple test you can take to see if you can do authentic video marketing. all you have to do is ask yourself one question who do you identify with? This guy Or this guy? you don't need perfection you know. just a little passion and a clear channel Get off me! So if you'd like to get some helpful how-to advice on clearing out your channel just click below for my free
video series on developing your powerful persona Till next time, I'm Steve Washer with BrainyVideo.com
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50s4qPzeT_U